Claims and precautions

Claims (in the form of text, names, trademarks, images, symbols or other markings) which explicitly or implicitly state the features or functions of a cosmetic product, must be in accordance with the regulations and may be used in labeling, marketing and advertising of cosmetic products, regardless of the medium or type of marketing tool used, the indicated product functions and the target group. 

It is the person responsible for ensuring that the way in which claims are made is in accordance with the Annex / Annex to Regulation 655/2013.. 

The Annex provides six common criteria for the validity of claims used in relation to the CP (1, 11-14):
1. Compliance with legislation
2. Truthfulness
3. Evidence
4. Honesty
5. Justice
6. Decision making based on information.

Claims about cosmetic products can be substantiated by different types of evidence according to Annex II of Regulation 655/2013 (11-14):

● experimental studies;
● end user perception (perception) tests;
● published (literature) data.

Manufacturers must decide which method to use to substantiate their claims and ensure that the method chosen is sufficient and adequate. Studies should be relevant, reliable and reproducible. Allegations of products where a lack of activity may result in a product safety problem require a high level of substantiation and a combination of different methods is usually required to confirm the claims.

The responsible person in accordance with the provisions of the Law relating to the responsible person for the cosmetic product ensures that the text of the claim related to the cosmetic product complies with the common criteria for claims set out in Annex 10 which is an integral part ordinance on cosmetic products.

The responsible person shall ensure that the text of the claim concerning the cosmetic product is in accordance with the documentation proving the claim of the effect of the cosmetic product, which is an integral part of the product information file (PIF). (Article 17)